GE Proteus Rad Rooms

2.45 out of 5 based on 275 customer ratings

The most sought after used radiographic system.

The GE Proteus is a simple yet reliable radiographic system with overhead tube, elevating table, and bucky wallstand. This system includes phototiming, auto-collimation, and programmable APR’s. Techniques and image receptors are selectable at the tube head. Installation, warranty, and refurbishment are available.


Jedi high-frequency generator with programmable APR’s, touch screen LCD console, and self-calibrating reliability.

Elevating table with 4-way floating tabletop. Includes variable SID, auto-collimation, photo-timing, oscillating grid, and foot pedal controls.

Overhead tube crane with automatic SID detenting, auto-collimator, technique selection, image receptor selection, and variable vertical SID.

Bucky wall stand includes photo-timing and cassette sizing for auto-collimation.


Product Description