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Product Description

  • The most popular echo system in the world for the last decade
  • 17-20” LCD monitor with two navigational touchscreens
  • Advanced workflow: iSCAN for B/C/D and 4D
  • Probes: 4 xMATRIX (X7-2. X5-1, X3-1, X7-2t) and 1 Single Crystal (S5-1)
  • 4D TEE – Quick, reproducible, and quantifiable
  • 4D Echo dual display mode with 4D volume and MPR
  • Pediatric TEE S8-3t Micro TEE for patients weighing less than 2.5Kg(5.5lb)
  • X5-1 xMATRIX: 4D, color, Live xPlane, iRoate with small footprint
  • Easy to use quantification tools w/ great reproducibility and accuracy
  • aCMQ(Automated Cardiac Motion/mechanics Quantifications) with ZeroClick Technology provides objective assessment of left ventricle global function and regional wall motion, deformation and timing using the next generation premium 2D speckle tracking technology